isn't that kind of like mohaa with legos?
lol birdy ,but nope,Minecraft is a little bit more Lego you have already done bricks with which you can do already default object like house, Airplane,truck or fire station...or something from your imagination. But in Minecraft you start with nothing,and mineing you get resource,then you have to figure how with craftig how to made tools,or stick,bricks,fence,glass...When you done your own tools and materials you can build everything what your imagination want
but not forget monsters which can kill you and not forget to eat as hungry also can kill you.You can breed plants like are tree which you need for wood,then carrots,or wheat which is need for bread or cake...
Minecraft is not my prefer game but I play it with Timy,kids are change types of games,we use to play a lot of outside but now here are console and pc with a lot of games....follow own kid in game and know what he do is for me normally parent thing even I know a lot of parents which don`t know what their kids play and do online....