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Site Info

Greetings MFF visitors and members!
The forum was just upgraded, and it may take some time for things to get back to normal as the front page could not be carried over.
Special Thanks to Roachware who performed the upgrade.  ;)

Welcome to MFF


Welcome to the home of MFF (Multiplayers For Fun), a clan dedicated to enjoying the online gaming experience. We are primarily a rifles-only freeze-tag clan for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, but we also play other games such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty 4 and Spearhead. Our members hail from North, South, Central America and Europe, and range in age from teens to the outright ancient.

We pride ourselves on maintaining stable, cheat-free servers and providing a mature, family-friendly environment for our clan members and guests. Whether you're a serious gamer or just want a little friendly recreation, feel free to stop by our servers and join our public TeamSpeak. After all, nothing's more fun than shooting your friends.

We are recruiting quality people aged 18+ for our regular division and from 13 to 17 years for our Junior Division. Please feel free to put in an application for membership, which is found on the left side of the forum at the 'Join us' link.

Have fun and happy shooting!

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1st Eighth Air Force WWII Bomber to complete 25 Combat Missions & return to the United States

The B-17 Flying Fortress "MEMPHIS BELLE" (Serial No. 41-24485) was one of 12,750 B-17's built by the Boeing Aircraft Co. The BELLE was the most famous because she was the first heavy bomber in Hitler's European war theatre to complete 25 combat missions and keep her entire crew alive. She flew for 10 months from November 7, 1942 to May 17, 1943. The command generals had set 25 missions as an incentive for air crews to go home. Morale was extremely low because 80% of the bombers were shot down during the first three months of America's combat flights over Europe…

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10 Nov 2020 - New Mohaa Server IPs

New Mohaa Server IPs Main server Backup server

Please start playing on the new server and spread the word! Our old server has been retired.

Discuss the new server in the Server Discussion forum.


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Registration has been disabled due to spambots.

If you would like to register a forum account here on the website, contact any member of MFF and provide your gamer name and email address and ask them to get in touch with me, <<{MFF|>>cK{CL} who will set up an account for you.

If you were previously a member and can't sign in, have an MFF member contact me with your details and we can work out a password reset for you, no need to register a new account. I can be reached on Facebook or Steam.


When and Where to Play with Us

We will be playing every Thurs-Fri at 8pm eastern time.
Mohaa Server:
TeamSpeak3: PW mffrifle
Download Mohaa, SH & BT:
Download TeamSpeak:


The website is now using secure SSL connection (https). Let me know if there are any issues for you. <<{MFF}>>cK{CL}

10 Apr 2018 - New Profile Game Icons

New Profile Game Icons

Read more below to see how to activate these new icons for your profile, to let others know which games you play. We may be moving away from vwar in the future and this is the first step.

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