Train to heck
| Axis and Allies start at opposite ends of a moving train. Don't fall off! Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are longer than average (timelimit:12 roundlimit:10 fraglimit:10)
St. Renan Bridge Obj
| Axis must must crawl under a bridge to plant a bomb near the Allied spawn. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average (timelimit:10 roundlimit:8 fraglimit:5)
Prado Village Obj
| Allies climb a steep hill through a village to bomb a radar dish. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Urban Sprawl
| Small town with many buildings you can go in for plenty of spots to snipe from. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Eagle's Nest Obj
| Allies hop into a truck or take cable-cars up a mountain to assassinate Hitler. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Wilhelmstein 1767 Obj
| Allies land on the beach below a castle, must steal documents and destroy the Flak at the top. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Fort Wreck
| Axis & Allies start at opposite ends of the ruins of a castle and must eliminate each other. Don't fall down the well! Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Das Boot Obj
| Allies infiltrate a submarine loading dock to plant a bomb at the top of a sub. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Brecourt Assault Obj
| Allies must infiltrate a field and destroy 4 Flak cannons in muddy trenches. Daytime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Beach Bunker Obj
| Allies land on a beach at night, must destroy two 15cm cannons and a Flak88. Nighttime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
Night Raid Obj
| Allies must destroy two Flaks. There is a guard tower with spotlights. Nighttime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
| Allies must destroy a Flak in an Axis depot. Nighttime Snipers and rifles Round limits are average
MOHDust (Counterstrike)
| This map is a recreation from Counterstrike. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are longer than average (timelimit:12 roundlimit:10 fraglimit:10)
St. Lo Obj
| Allies destroy a Flak on a balcony in a sunny but dishevelled town. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average (timelimit:10 roundlimit:8 fraglimit:5)
Stalingrad 3 Obj
| Allies blow up a Flak, blow up the office door and steal documents. Has elevators. The song on the radio sometimes plays, "Haven't you heard about the guy, they call the cheater?" Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
Gloom Cove
| Allies either take a ramp on the left or a tunnel on the right, then plant a bomb on a Flak near the Axis spawn. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
VS-UK Abbey Obj
| Allies blow up the radar antenna and a radio in a castle. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
Howitzer Obj
| Axis must find their way across a town to destroy a Howitzer cannon. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
The Lost Village Obj
| Allies take 2 little wooden boats across a mine-infested lake to blow up a safe and then steal documents. Daytime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
Southern France 2
| This is a larger version of Southern France. The first round is FT then if there are enough players, the game rotates between Demolition and CTF. Nighttime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
Stalingrad 2
| This is basically Stalingrad at night, with new textures, and you can go on the roofs. The first round is FT then switches to Demolition if there are enough players. Nighttime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average
The Alley (Lasershow)
| A small Alley at night, with a dance floor. Laser show designed by <<{MFF}>>cK. Nighttime Rifles only, no snipers Round limits are average