What's up MFF, i'm Ryan aka ryry. (: I've probably been noticed by a couple of you in your server.
I've been playing mohaa for quite a while but i just got back from a 5 month leave. (: I play sniper only but I play in your freeze tag rifles server sometimes. (: I'm always up to play.
Uhm i'm down to smurf for your clan too if you need an extra player during a scrim. (: Just xfire me and tell me to smurf.
I challenged anyone in MFF to a 1v1 in your server a little while ago and I was told to post in the forums.
So here it is.
I challenge anyone in MFF to a 1v1, sniper only.
Rules: Ground only,
no nades,
airshots count,
and score to 15.
If anyone feels like they'd like to accept my 1v1 or just to chat add my xfire - simplyryry. (:
Have a good day. (: