To all our clan members and guests alike and all who has rcon now and in the future please read. We have members and guest alike wondering and asking about what we (Admins) tolerate as far as those that come in our servers with cheats on. Was a time we took a hard stance monitoring our servers, now we are asking our Admins if they catch someone cheating to mess with them and pull them to spec if they can and talk to them and if that doesn't work then kick them, don't ban them right away. Alot of times they will come back in with questions on why they were kicked, there's the chance to talk to them and let them know. It doesn't always clean that player up, but there's some that it does and those are the ones that add to the list of active clean players. As we know there will be some that has no interest in playing fair and those will be the ones gone. We ask all our Admins to be fair and do the best they can and everyone of them has their own way of admining, but in the end doing what we need to do. Those that have never tried admining it's not as easy as it looks, and the time the admins put in watching instead of doing what should be, just playing and having fun, goes un-noticed. If at anytime someone has a question or imput please come forward, we are always open for questions or imput.