I was asking in other forum if someone knows a topic with the history of the evil Papa, but i ended here. I was playing in this server for about 6 months, almost never be offended, always a salut at the start, always you can talk to the members, always take care of the language, I think that all these things BigRedOne have your sign behind it. My congratulations, thanks for the oportunity to belong to this family and thanks to all the persons who keep the dreams alive everywhere in the world. To make a dream come true its awsome, but to insert that dream in some others people minds, and those people make that dream like their own... that its truly amazing.
Congrats MFF, salut BigRedOne.
I think that Papa have to sign your topic to be a CL
. (I mean an offcial"... I swear to maintain BidRedOne dream ..." so i will not be banned so soon