OK guys I know not all MFF is anti Shaft but unfortunatley most of the admins are. You guys are hung up on the notion that I hack. Why is it that some MFF people , the ones that know me accept the fact that I am justa good player? You admins think that good players that aren't in MFF are hackers. Other good players like Janosek and Bled Black Fuel beat me all the time, why? Because they are good players.
I have submitted ss', I have submitted a log file of whats in my main folder and I have allowed you guys to take movies of me playing, and all the while not caring because I assume that you guys know what you are doing and will see that I am clean. Today I got kicked and banned for the second time in what a year maybe two?
Now since you guys think I hack please tell me what hack I have and follow that up with evidence. The only two hacks I know of are aimbots and wallhacks and I know I dont have an aimbot cause then I would not miss anyshots. And believe me I miss shots like anyone else. I know I dont have wallhacks because I would be able to see everyone and noone would be able to sneak up on me and shoot me from behind(happens alot) or I wouldnt shoot my own teamates as they come around corners.
I've been playing this game along time and moved to rifle servers from sniper only, I have never been accused, banned or even kicked before I stepped into the MFF server. You guys are well known for disrespecting good players. I have even assisted Ammo twice in detecting a hacker in your guys server and after an investigation he banned him. If you banned me on ss's then I would like to have them back as a package, exactly as you saw them and I will submit them to EA Games and ask them what they see because clearly you guys are biased.